Donate to the Tarahumara Children’s Hospital Fund

Add your support to the Tarahumara of the Copper Canyon with a donation of any size.

On behalf of the Tarahumara Children’s Hospital Fund, THANK YOU!

Minimum price: 1.00


Product Description

We’re happy and proud that, as of 2022 we’ve been able to donate over $52,000 USD to support the Tarahumara through the Tarahumara Children’s Hospital Fund.

If you would like to make an additional donation, you can do that here.

Note: We will pass your donation on to the TCHF when we make our own quarterly donation.  Because we are not a non-profit ourselves, we are not able to provide a receipt for tax deduction purposes.  If you need this kind of receipt, please make your donation to the TCHF directly by going to:

Thank you for supporting the TCHF.