Foot Care for Endurance Athletes

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet.” Khalil Gibran Of the 206 bones in your body, 52 are in your feet. Each and every one contributes to getting you to where you are going and is a potential major hindrance if not cared for. As a long distance, long term […]

How to find TRULY comfortable shoes

The secret to finding comfortable shoes… It’s probably not what you think. And it’s definitely not what “Big Shoe” companies have been saying for the last 50 years. It’s not because you need more arch support or better cushioning or to control your pronation or supination. The secret is actually what humans have been doing […]

Running Form – learning from robots, kids, and ice

Physics. It’s not just a good idea, it’s the law. Want to improve your running technique? I have three suggestions: Watch robots run Watch little kids run Learn to run on ice! Running Robots The gang at Boston Dynamics are creating robots that do AMAZING things. For one, check out this one: Oh, sure, it’s […]

Flat Feet, High Arches, and Running Barefoot

Not infrequently, when the topic of barefoot running comes up, or someone takes a look at my Xero Shoes, whomever I’m speaking with will say: I can’t do that. I need support. Oh? I’ll respond. Why do you need support? Then something happens that I love. I get one of two seemingly contradictory answers. Either: […]