Foot Care for Endurance Athletes

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet.” Khalil Gibran Of the 206 bones in your body, 52 are in your feet. Each and every one contributes to getting you to where you are going and is a potential major hindrance if not cared for. As a long distance, long term […]

Wearing Xero Shoes can build foot strength

A study by a team led by Drs. Sarah Ridge and Marc Olsen showed that merely walking in minimalist shoes built foot muscle strength as much as doing a foot strengthening exercise program. That study didn’t use Xero Shoes, but Dr. Ridge says that wearing Xero Shoes should give the same benefit as the ones […]

Harvard’s Guide to Healthy Feet – Are you doing what they say?

Our local newspaper, the Denver Post included an insert, The Harvard Health Guide to Healthy Living. Lots of great info in there, but my favorite is the section, Keeping Your Feet Healthy. What does it recommend? Check out this video for a few highlights and my commentary. And if you want to read the transcript […]